Sep 15, 2009 02:04
I'll just be here in the corner, wibbling over the smoking wreckage that was supposed to be a peaceful, productive week. Work is exploding in all 26 dimensions, friends and family are having crises that require a sympathetic ear and a strong shoulder, the Sekrit Project that was supposed to be finished by the 25th has been put on hold (which is actually okay, as it turns out the deadline has been extended to 10/30), I need to have the house cleaned and ready for an autistic 12-year-old by Saturday, I have a screaming headache that seems to be related to sinuses and only allowed me 3 hours of sleep last night, and I'm going to Fencon this weekend. Whee.
Speaking of Fencon, here's my schedule, which is somewhat light and frankly suits me down to the ground this year.
Friday 1:00 pm Trinity 3
Critique Groups and Workshops (M)
Description: Many writers make use of critique groups and workshops to hone their craft. Where can you find a good one, and how do you make the best use of them once they're found?
Friday 9:00 pm Trinity 3
I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Written That Way: The Femme Fatale in Literature
Description: These are the women we love to hate, or love in spite of our better natures. Are they really bad, or just misunderstood?
Friday 10:00 pm Trinity 1/2
Excuse me while I kiss this guy: A Torchwood Panel
Description: What direction do you think Torchwood will take next?
Sunday 1:00 pm Trinity 6
Suburban Fantasy
Description: Discussion of paranormal-type stories that aren't set in the big city. Hey, we think we just created a new genre with this panel - come and see how it plays out and you can say "I was there when it all began!"