People overhere make fun of me

Oct 17, 2007 09:34

I live in the Belgian capital called Brussels.  E.g. when I put on my rubber boots for walking outside in town on a terribly rainy day, when heaven is a real shower, let's say, people overhere laugh with me and they don't understand how you can stay such a farmer's wife.  Pay attention, we never were agriculterers at home !Further  there was the first warm day of 2007 when I went to the supermarket in shorts.  Who knows I was the first one in summer cloths in Elsene and surroundings this year and that was what it was all about.  At the shop itself I heard something as: "C' est une pute originale" which means "this is an original prostitute".  Now I'm not intended to go into detail because I could make senseless publicity for myself.

Once in the metro I saw a woman in shorts with bicycle.  It was rainy.  The platform stood full with that race you can only find in Brussels.  I never saw a bike in the metro before I must admit.  Well, NOBODY laughed.  Earlier this year I saw a man with a piglet at a cord.  That was quite amusing and after observing it a while I saw they were making a movie about the Chinese year of the pig.  Several weeks later the place between the administrative royal castle and the city park was transformed in a kind of cattle market.  But I swear you that yesterday I saw a man with a cow at a cord walking straight into the park.  Well, as far as I know nobody laughed.

So I just hope that next time when weather is too bad and I walk with my boots through town ... no I don't care.  But I just don't understand what's so funny about me walking in forest that way.   there is something else.  I'm relatively better at school than elsewhere, so I suppose people are much less intelligent than elsewhere in the country.

agriculterers, laughing

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