oh patriotic day

Apr 14, 2009 10:57

I listened to Democracy Now! this morning for the first time in months - probably years, actually. The headline story, on Somali pirates, caught my attention; in it, Amy Goodman interviewed a Somali-Kenyan consultant/analyst who makes quite a lengthy argument that the pirates are really a community-mobilized coast guard, of sorts, who are acting in response to ongoing overfishing and toxic dumping by vessels from the US and Europe.

Let me repeat that: the now-heated, international hostage situations taking place off the Somali coast are actually an environmental problem.

Interesting, to say the least. I haven't sleuthed around to uncover any other information to corroborate his statements, but it does make some sense. Overfishing is a worldwide crisis - so why wouldn't this be connected? Anyhow, it certainly lends a different perspective through which to see the entire situation. (transcript)

In other news: my taxes are done (on the last day, as always, despite my best intentions). This day always leaves me feeling conflicted. The pacifist in me is dismayed, because I know that a good portion goes toward a System that I don't want to support. The socialist in me, though, is proud to do my part in contributing to The Common Good. (And the realist in me has to admit that I probably wouldn't get around to it at all if there wasn't a chance of being audited.) In the end, though, I suppose it makes no difference; my taxes are now in the pipe with everyone else's, and what happens with them, happens. Until there's a way to earmark what they're used for (wouldn't it be nice?), there's not much more to do except wait until they're due again next year.

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