This week has been pretty weird. For starters Dog Face(Porky Pig's ex) messaged me on myspace. Well I wasn't really doing anything anyway so we wound up hanging out and driving around nothing really bad. But the whole time I was hanging out with Dog Face, I felt pretty awkward considering I'm not crazy/ugly, Brand New ISNT THE ONLY BAND I EXCLUSIVELY LISTEN TO, I don't have a horrible skin disease. So the whole time I was trying to be nice probably because I was kinda buzzed and have a soft spot for ugly faggots when I'm drunk.
So I thought that was the end of that come 5 o clock the next day shes IMing me "Brendannnnnnnnnnnnnnn :-D" and I'm ugh god WHAT DOG FACE WHATS UP. "You wanna hang out?".... I don't know damn it bitch you fucking hung out with me 6 hours jesus christ. Anyway I was like ok fine what are we doing OH WERE GONNA PLAY HIDE AND GO SEEK IN WALMART CAUSE WERE FUCKING WEIRD OUTEAST KIDS. Ok nah lets not go to friendlys get ice cream go to bowling and than go to Billys.
I get really really really plastered drunk she asks to sleep at my house and I said ok she slept over I touched her boobs I lost wood, I went to bed.
I'm not really in the mood to be typing about Dog Face all night. But I'm so fucking bored I can't help it.
I cant wait till rebekah gets home so I have my bff back.
Than more people can wanna kick my ass over nothing.
I really wish I did something with my life.
I really wish I didn't have horrible anxiety attacks every night and morning
I wish Dog Face would fuck off and understand who I am and why I'm not friends with retards
Seriously I befriend the biggest morons sometimes
I wish Brian Christie hung out with me more
But hey hes grown up now
its cool
I'm not freaking out about it
I'm so lonely
I drank 7 cans of soda today
I ate 3 slices of pizza
and smoked half a pack of butts
What is my life comming to.
I need to have sex with a new girl
and get a girlfriend that will change me
but god knows theres no taming this steed
I wonder how many people would show up at my funeral
maybe than my dad would realize I actually have friends
Thank god I don't talk to the other Dog Face in my life aka Colleen
She bugged out on me the other week talking about my wiener and stuff when its like
Ok first off you tried to embarass me on the internet
I'm pretty sure half of long island knows what your pussy smells like considering they live next to the sound
You pug ugly cunt
You are the worst thing thats ever happened to me
pretty much ruined a year and a half of my life by playing consist mind games with me
I wasn't good enough for your family
I'm sorry I didn't fit in with your drug addict welfare ass family you stank cunt
Even after We had sex those last 2 times
I sat in the shower for 4 whole days trying to get the smell of you off of me
Serious learn some fucking hygen I know thats comming from me
but atleast when I shower I don't just wash my hair and call that a shower
you wash your ass
for the sake of any of your future partners you should shower before and between having sex
Most people wouldn't put up with that
I put up with that because I loved you
I don't know why
It looks like you get hit in the nose with a soft ball 24 times a day since you were 6
fucking bitch
its fucking 2008 and i'm still bitching about you
I really need for you to die
or atleast get out of my head for one fucking day
I don't even think about Dana but atleast she gave me head
No more Dog Faces
I enjoy typing like this so much more.
Danielle Williams and Cantos are my favorite people
Danny B always is somewhere between that
Brian Christie will never be in that list
cuz he smells like his car
Reds and bottles of Pee
I love smoking
But I hate what its doing to my teeth
I should get a job
Nah fuck it
I'm gonna be 21 soon
More people are gonna wanna hang out with me
So I can get them beers
eh whatever
Urban Renewal from Fire for Effect is the same exact song as Queen of Prussia from scraps and heart attacks
Big L is dope
I'm over that whole thing about hardcore kids liking Big L
So I like him
I will never wear flat brim hats
Theres so many girls I want to have a chance with
I really don't want anyone to read this evah.
So my mom didn't come back to wading river
I'm so miserable when shes not around
I love my mom but sometimes I don't wanna bother with her
I don't think shes ever let me finish a sentence
But she buys me ciggs so I guess she rules
I'm such a fucking bum