(no subject)

Aug 16, 2005 17:58

Well today started off pretty shitty. They of course screwed my schedule up, I hope they're going to fix it :(. Anyways I was already upset in first period(which was driver's ed for me today...) and of course parker had to go and show another one of those movies. Two little girls got killed and their parents talked about it and one of the little girl's best friends wrote a letter and someone read it and I'm such a wuss when it comes to that. I just stared up at the ceiling for a couple minutes to keep from crying. Today at lunch I was walking to the table and Whittney Hudson stopped me to tell me the guy sitting next to her said I was fine. I was like ummm thanks...I guess. Sixth period was the map test, which I didn't really study for, buttt I remembered one for sure thanks to Smurphy and Mrs. Murphy. Haha Richmond, Virginia baby! Coach Smith was here today thank God. We did lower body in the weight room and then ran. Whittney Brown made 7th very interesting today, "Can I like take off that one right there becuase I think it's too heavy::confused face::?!". "Grooosssss my legs are ugly!" I love that girl. When I got home I felt like doing some yardwork ::go figure:: what a loser. So I mowed the front and back yard. I'm going to take a shower and go pick up dinner for mom and Jen, but I will leave you with a little something, something I wrote today.

I hate seeing you.
The way I can't breathe.
The way I can't think.
The way you make me feel like I'm freefalling.
Most of all, I hate the way I look at you, knowing you see me too,
and knowing all the more, that I have absouletely no effect on you.
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