Jul 19, 2005 13:35
Name: Jessica
Age: 15
Astrological Sign: libra
Sex/Gender: female
Skin: amazing caucassion
Hair: dark brown, blonde highlights
Eyes: hazel
Height: 5'8
Marital Status: Single
Religion: protestant
Where Were You Born?: brookwood hospital
Where Do You Live Now?: helena
Occupation: student
Vehicle: izusu rodeo in about 5 more months
Pets: just jenna
Type Of Food: mexican
Meal: cereal
Snack: don't do snacks
Fruit: oranges
Vegetable: broccoli and lettuce
Drink: powerade/gatorade, blue monsters, leapin' lizzards
Alcoholic Beverage: strawberry daquiris
Cigarette: yuck
Drug: yuck
Book: espn magazine lol and a Summer to Die
Author: Judy Blume
Movie: troy was pretty good and the whole 9 and 10 yards
Actor: Martin Lawrence, Michael Keeton, John Qusak
Actress: Jessica Biel, Julia Roberts, Katie Holmes
TV Show: Real World
TV Channel: mtv, espn, wb
Band: Nickleback, Yellowcard, Rascal Flatts, Sister Hazel, Dave Matthews
Song: Nickelback-figured you out; Greenday-Wake me up when september ends; Sister Hazel-Best I'll Ever Be, Edwin Mccain-I couldn't love you
Artist: edwin mccain, john mayer, missy elliot
Sport: basketball. softball's good too
Activity: being with my friends
Color: blue
Animal: chicks
Place To Go: right now Powerhouse gym
What Do You Wear To Sleep?: shorts and a tank top
What Position Do You Sleep In?: on my stomach facing the wall
How Many Pillows Do You Use?: 2
Do You Hog The Blankets?: nope but i always lose my blanket lately...
Do You Roll Around Alot? nah only when i can't sleep
Do You Snore?: nope
Do You Drool?: eww no
Whats Under Your Bed?: another bed
Your Feelings Towards Pornography: gross and desperate
Your Feelings Towards Strippers: ^
Your Feelings Towards Prostitutes: ^^
Do You Think Size Matters?: somewhat
What Part Of The Body Attracts You Most?: eyes and hands
Sex, Before Or After Marriage?:
For You Sex Is About...: love
Favorite Physical Activity With Partner: haha
What Are Your Fetishes?: ehh
List 3 Words That Best Describe Yourself: athletic, sarcastic, silly
What's Your Ultimate Goal In Life?: play college ball is def. a big one and have a career i love
How Would You Like To Die?: not drowning, burning, or cancer preferably