Oct 31, 2004 17:13
Omg I am soo sad!! My best friends dog Pebbles, who I said in 5th grade was going to b like 1/5 mine since i dont have any pets had to get put to sleep! i am so sad and i was lyk crying bad last night when it fully hit me. And then my boyfriends dog is lyk sick and he might have to put it down. Im lyk nooo cus i luv his dog 2! Happy Halloween! Im gunna b sitten at home passing out candy (fun huh). I hope we get more than 3 this year. ya living in an old people community sux sometimes! Wow i just realized that if someone thought that what ive written in this journal so far is basically how my entire life is i think theyd think im some sad,lonely,depressed chick whos life just seems to suk right now. lol which is y u should only base a little part of my life on this journal. wow that was stupid im gunna stop typing now and talk to a live person!