Aug 21, 2009 14:21
This happened today when I was trying to get food before going home after work, 'cause I was starving to death.
Dante comes past where I'm waiting at a slow register because customers get served first. I ask him to type in some food. So, as I order, he's making faces. Dante is always full of shit, and no one ever takes him seriously. He asks Domingo for his manager card so that I can get my 30% discount. I'm waiting patiently. So Domingo, who never knows where his card is, (I hate him by the way), picks up a card that he assumes is his from one of the other registers and hands it to Dante and walks away. Dante does the discount and swipes the card. I can't see the screen, so I don't know what he's doing. He swipes the card and clears the screen, tapping it, at least a dozen times with a weird look on his face.
Getting frustrated, I say, "Come on, Dante, I want to eat today." Naturally, like anyone else, I figure he's full of shit again.
He throws down the card and gestures at the screen, exclaiming, "If you can make that card work, I'll buy your food." I look at the screen, swipe the card, it says something that isn't what it's supposed to. So, like a normal person, I grab Domingo as he goes past, hand him his card and say, "This isn't a manager card."
Dante rolls his eyes and grabs Amy, who comes over for the swipe. Dante explains to her, "She said she wants to eat today, so I figured I'd get you over here quickly." Amy ignores him, and keeps going, I pay and get my number and stuff. I'm sitting reading when he brings the food over.
As he sets it down, he tells me, "You said you wanted to eat it today, so I thought I'd bring it out as soon as I could."
What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking moron?! What am I supposed to think? If I was given a card by anyone and it did that, basically saying that it isn't fucking activated, I'd swipe it once or twice, not a dozen times. Only a fucking retard would assume that the computer is glitching that many times, you ass-wipe. Don't give me your shit. I was having a perfectly fine day until you decided to be a jerk off and get sarcastic because I'm hungry and you need another million brain cells to be considered useful in any way, shape, or form.
-sighs angrily- I don't know why that pissed me off so much, but knowing Dante, the next time he sees me, he's going to say it again. In which case I'll shrug at him and say something along the lines of, "I'm sorry that your ego was so horribly bruised by my traumatizing statement, by I assumed that you were goofing off again, I'd gotten off shift and was hungry, and you were acting stupid. So in the future, to avoid that situation, I'll just get help from someone who is able to recognize the difference between an unactivated gift card, and Domingo's manager card."
I really hate him.