Jul 01, 2009 22:55
So tonight was pretty cool. But I'll start with the day, as time generally goes.
I woke up early, had a panic attack about school and got my transcript written up with the help of my mother and father. More dad than mom, but only because he was physically writing everything up. Then I emailed it to the lady in charge of that stuff at school. I'll see if everything was done properly, and then we'll print it off, revise if necessary, and get it notarized. Hurrah.
Then, dad and I went to the bank. I was told that I needed to establish credit, and the easiest way was to get a credit card. -shrug- I was only going to use it, for now, for overdraft protection since the bank was trying to play with my account. Anyway, my card was denied, but the parents didn't tell me. -rolls eyes- So I asked about it, and they'd done something with it. I still don't know where it is. So we went to the bank, dad to sort out some of his stuff, and me to do mine. I've got an application from the Credit Union for it now. We'll see how it goes. Dad's having me borrow $150, and then paying it back as I get billed for it.
Then I went to work, eating a four dollar lunch with my discount, which rocked. I was very full. I worked from 6-9:30. We were far more busy than expected. Megan, a manager, sent one of us home at a slow time since Katie was done anyway. Then Megan went home, leaving myself, Meradith- another manager who is pretty cool, and a girl I'd never worked with named Valerie. Holy cow, busy. We were running around, trying to bus tables, clean up, run register and clean everything since we were getting close to closing. It was insane. I stayed an extra hour, getting a free gallon of sweet tea, and another hour's worth of money of course, for my pains. It was pretty fun. I like Valerie very much; hopefully we're becoming friends. I'm going to see when we next work together.
So, also, before that, during the day, I was clearing a table for some people still sitting there, just cleaning up. I had a pretty big stack, but you know me, so I went ahead and got the last one. It had soup on it. Then I had soup on me. All over me. A big patch on my stomach and down my khaki's. It was awesome, as I'm sure you can imagine. So I got another shirt and did what I could with the pants. I laughed the entire time; else I'd have cried. But I didn't want people to freak out and get upset, so I shrugged it off. No harm done, and I was being stupid anyway. But yeah. Also, I got kudo's for making a woman's evening awesome. I was very up-energy, suggesting things for her to try. She loved the suggestions. It was great. All of our customers were pretty great tonight.
Anyway, yeah! That was my day. Tomorrow I work 11-3, I think. I'll have to double check. Hopefully I'll get to work with Valerie, maybe we'll hang out outside of work at some point. I've forgotten how to do that with non-faire folk... oh dear. Suggestions? But yeah! Not a bad finish. The start sucked majorly, but it finished well.
An added plus, I get my first paycheck on Monday! W00T!