Christmas and socialising

Dec 18, 2021 23:34

 I went up to Sheffield last weekend and saw Pa for the first time in over a month. He's now moved permanently into a care home, so we are allowed to visit him in his room. All visitors must take a LFT before they are allowed to see residents.  I was glad to see how well he's settling in and the staff seem quite fond of him!

Bro has invited me & Ma round for Christmas Day. Ma is in two minds about this, as Younger Adorable Niece (tm) won't be home until Christmas Eve. Elder has recently had a (mild, fortubately, as she is asthmatic) case, but is WFH anyway (and has just moved into her newly purchased abode on her own).

I have been to 2 Christmas outings in the last 2 days - work and Jado - and have been taking daily tests to make sure I haven't got anything to pass on to the people I am in the office with or train with, and that I haven't picked anything up from the restaurants we've been to. So far, so good. Apart from the office and the shops, I won't be going be giing anywhere else before I go to Sheffield again.

I saw West Side Story on Tuesday and Spiderman: No Way Home today. Both pretty darn good, but I admit to being more partial to the latter - which takes nothing away from my enjoyment of the former. The way they handled the whole multiverse thing was excellent and I'm looking forward to the next Dr Strange movie.

Work is going well. I'm enjoying the new job sufficiently that I was rather miffed I had to leave at 5.30 last night so I could get home in time to go out. I'm sure there will come a time when I'm sufficiently stressed to feel differently, but until that time, I'm enjoying trying to work out how all these spreadsheets work. I've been nominated for several project working groups that are going to end up being a PITA, but if I can't influence them away from the old methods, we're no more screwed than at present. Until senior managers realise that the reason NCC went bust is the crap systems and attitudes that they are carrying forward into the new organisation, WNC doesn't stand a chance of surviving. I just hope they work that out before all the good people leave and we're left with those who don't care.

Tonight's test is still negative, so I can carry on with the festive plans for another day.

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