BBC iPlayer

Sep 18, 2021 21:09

 One of the things about not having a TV licence is that you are no longer allowed to watch things on iPlayer. As I currently have a licende (it's actually very hard to cancel after 1 quarter unless you call them the day after the first payment goes through) I'm seeing what's available. Compared to other streaming services, the player itself is clunky. In order to find the schedule, you have to go to the specific channel page, then scroll right down to the bottom. I seem to remember the schedule was easier to find. But, more annoyingly, the search facility is crap. If you search for a programme by name - e.g. Pointless - the first items in the list are other programmes where the letters at the start of the search - e.g. "poi" - appear in the name of an episode. If I'm looking for Pointless Celebrities, I really don't care that an episode of Doctor Who hsd the word "Poison" in the title.

Trawling through iPlayer, I've tried a few things which are allegedly popular. Both Fleabag and The A Word made me wonder if I'm the one out of line. I get that life can be hard in some circumstances, but The A Word had me ready to slit my wrists after the first 30 minutes. I got to within 5 minutes of the end before deciding I'd rarher poke my eyes out than finish it. It merely confirmed my previius view that most contemporary British drama is just miserable and shouty, and I'd rather give £12 a month to charity than watch it.

On the other hand, the documentaries about Bush on 9/11 and Jill Dando's murder were excellent, as is A House Through Time. And the combination of Richard Osman's House of Games and Only Connect are hilarious. But I can actually live without these at the price.

I'm wringing the most I can out of my licence fee and have discovered Ghosts. Definitely a stand out for me from the general misery and well worth binge watching over a weekend. There are only 19 half hour episodes so far, all worth it.

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