I've just replaced my scales with a new electronic bluetooth device that can analyse all my body measurements and tell me exactly how old I feel! The first thing of note is that it measures almost half a stone heavier than my old scales (although it was mid afternoon when they arrived and I set them up. Maybe first thing in the morning, I might be a bit closer to what I think I am.
Looking at the range of measurements it produces, the things that stand out are the amount of body fat and subcutaneous fat are high, but my visceral fat is "acceptable". That's good, as it's easier to burn of the subcutaneous fat.
All the other things are ok or a bit low, but I'm not too worried about that. If I can reduce my overall fat percentage, the rest should improve. If I can get down to 11.5 st and reduce my total body fat to around 28-30%, that will do me.
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