Feb 11, 2007 01:50
Hey, I'm posting, damn I thought I'd not get another chance. Well to tell everyone I'm doing fine. Been busy for the last few months, new baby smell wore off not it smells like dirty dipers, no suprize. alot has happened scence Nov. First, Heather went to the hospital a few days after delivering Keathynn, and had to spend a week there, The medical term excapes me but the doctors said she had fluid in her chest and it was crushing her heart and making it hard for her too breath. the doctors said that it was amazing that she showed up when she did, cause it was life threating. Then when we get her home, no more than a day later we were back......
Keathlynn was admitted with a 104 temp. she had strep, b, I think, I can't remember all I remember is I hate the fuckin Hospital. I spent more time there than I care too. The nurses knew us by our first names and I felt like furniture, cause what the hell can I do to help, nothig but sit there while for one week my wife was struggling to breath, then another week of doctors telling me they have to keep my baby there overnight. the end of last year sucked.
Keathlynn stayed a week in the hospital and now she is doing fine. Heather is doing fine too. Just the stress of being a one income family now is getting to all of us. Christmas was salvaged and we had a great Christmas. Tarynn got alot of stuff she wanted, Jadynn finaly got what to do with gifts when you get them. Keathlynn was home and healthy, that is all I wanted this year. My family was together, no hospital Christmas.
When the new year came we could olny think of one thing, Kieth, my father-in-law, this was the first year marking his death. my mother-in-law was here in Arkansa with her family to get her though it. I'm thankfull for that. Christmas was hare for her cause that was Kieth's time of year, he was like a big kid. He olny gave and never wanted anything in return. My mother-in-law decided to keep his memory going by picking a family to give Christmas too. Kieth always did this, he would buy Christmas dinner, gifts for the kids and bikes. I think mom did a good job picking someone that need it.
In January Heather and I discussed where we would like to spend the rest of our lives. Yes we decided to try and buy a house. We shopped around and found a morgage company that trird to rip us off, (if any one says they could fix your credit for a fee, don't do it, all the paper work they send in is free so no one should have to pay to do it.) Good thing we got away from them before money was put down. Then we found another company that is working with us and actually got us aproved for an 85,000 dollar loan. so we are now looking for houses in Jacksonville Ar. Sorry we are not moving to Texas anytime soon, as terms of our loan is we cant move out of this state. So we are moving closer to Heather's mothers side of the family.
Now as it goes for Tax man, we filed and will get a heafty lump sum of money......So the last week of March (Tarynn's Spring Break) we will be heading down to Texas for a visit. So everyone open your calanders...
By the way Jadynn has a new word.......it's "SHIT!"
Handsome Bob
and a new home