Rambling About Men

Nov 10, 2006 01:53

Tonight I got an email from a friend. In it she asks what is up with men. Why can't we let things go and things of that nature. After writing my reply, I thought it to be lj worthy. So with a thank you to AMF, here is my reply.

Men. We really are just animals at our core. Dumb animals at that. We make fire. We build things. We don't put much into our minds because our hands are what makes us men. Some of us choose to expand our minds, but at the end of the day instinct takes over and we are nothing but the simple creature known as man.

Did you ever see the movie 2001: A Space Oddessy? In the opening scene there is this great monolith surrounded by apes. Those really aren't apes, they are men. They don't understand it so they take the threatening chest beating stance. They poke it. Prod it. If they don't understand it, they just beat on it more (proverbially speaking, I'm not saying men are women beaters in general, that's a special breed we don't need to disect right now), hence the saying "beating a dead horse."

This isn't to say that men are stupid. Men are actually quite intelligent. A man invented the telephone. A man invented peanut butter. A man invented the automobile, the motorcycle, the airplane, rockets and other technological wonders. We even put a man on the fucking moon. We men are that damn smart. However, put a woman in front of us and all intelligence goes out the window. Sure we can wow them with what we know, but deep inside we can't understand you women. Put a woman in the same room and we forget how to tie our shoes.

You call us fools. We aren't. Some of us have a hard time letting go of things. Some of us have an undeniable will to make things work. Some of us enjoy being "toys". At the end of the day though we all want the same thing. We strive to understand women. Why we do that is a topic for another day. I hope this little rant of mine gives you some insight.
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