BlackJack Battle Journal: 12th November, 2007

Nov 12, 2007 07:43


Well, sports fans, here we are. Another entry logged into the ol' Battle Journal, and thigs've been shaping up pretty decent, in all actuality. For those who responded to my previous post, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the past situation. Either way, I've pretty much gotten over it (Kenny, you know this firsthand, as we've discussed it) and I'm movin' on. Well, Let's Blaze, people!

Work for Project Dawn is coming along at a newly revitalized pace, thanks to a good friend of mine volunteering to helm the novelization of Crimson Dawn, Crimson Dusk and Legion of Heroes. I'm also recieving critiquing from her, as well as my lovely girlfriend on the artwork and character designs, thus further polishing them and bringing them to truly outstanding quality. Fated Edge and the BlackJack Press Summer Blitz (i.e. Trinity High and Foxfire) are coming along on schedule, as well.

What can I say? When the family's out there doin' their thing, I still got my friends to support me. Sure, I call up my brothers and parents regularly. Hell, I even got myself a MySpace mainly to keep in touch with 'em! However, just as I've got my life to live, they have theirs. So, even though I'm tough enough to stand on my own, when it comes down to it... I don't think I could've gotten this far without back up. So, to all my peoples: Danny, Rose, Ken, Chris... ALL you nutjobs... Thanks.

As hard-pressed to find a good starting point as I was before, THIS is even more difficult. I mean... Julie's such a large part of my life. She's a great person and an excellent friend. Moreso, though... She loves me just as fiercely and unconditionally as I love her. We've taken the time to talk about nearly everything, together. From simple subjects like the weather, to topics as deep as how we want to raise our children. Anything under the sun. If it matters to us, we can go to the other for a friendly ear. When this summer comes, and I make my move up to Washington, I'll be in heaven knowing that she'll be by my side.

Final Round: EPILOGUE
All-in-all, life's been pretty good. My birthday's coming up on Thursday, my friends and family are doing well... Good times, all around. If you made it to this part of the journal, then thanks a heap for sticking with me. Does a guy's heart proud. Well, gotta blitz, everybody. And now, for parting words from my internet hero, the Ninja...

"I look forward to partying with you soon! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIYAH!!!!!!"

ace turns 24, good times, project dawn

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