One more reason to try out AIM for the first time. XD XDD
Push my buttons, NASA. <333
Man, I'll never understand
these things, but they're still great to gawk at. *_*
Something else I really need to use. =_= Scratch that,
this is better.
(Am in library going through media journals and more importantly recent issues of Wired. So glad that I did not give in to urge to stay in bed today.)
Think will be needing someone to send me Samurai Champloo 19. Cannot find torrent; must have been too long ago.
[edit] I can't help it; Gopets reminds me too much of Petz.
peanutcase, remember our ancient Petz craze???
Muaharhar sign up and come friend me. *g* {edit2] ARGH. I forgot I cut my thumb. Again. OW OW OW OW. Can't for the life of me remember what I cut it with either.