(no subject)

Feb 26, 2011 20:44

Name: Sam Quint
ES Name: Orca
Name Origins: His boat, the one he used to make his bread and butter hunting sharks with, was called the Orca. Originally he had taken on the name 'Indianapolis' (Indy for short) after the U.S.S. Indianapolis, a naval ship he served on that sank. "Indy" caused a good bit of pop cultural confusion, so after seeing the Orca in the dream that accompanied his third death, he changed it.
Duration of Stay: 5 years
Deaths: 5
Job: Black Market dealer

Affiliation: CPA
Personality: Orca is decidedly offbeat. Or perhaps the better term is simply 'off'. He has a tendency to keep to himself, almost a hermit, but becomes boisterous and outspoken when he does find himself around others. He has a crass, irreverent, often dark sense of humor (and an unsettling cackle to go with it) and does not much care who he offends. If odd, off-putting measures are necessary to get a job done (say, dragging his fingernails down a chalkboard to grab the attention of a room full of people) he won't hesitate to take them. Once he becomes fixated on a goal or task he can become obsessed, sometimes taking dangerous and often crazy risks to make sure no one interferes.

But just because he is strange does not mean he isn't shrewd. Orca is not what you would call an educated man, but he is street smart and relies on experience (despite not remembering most of his) and has no problem using these qualities to his advantage. He is fully willing to get himself the best out of a deal by appealing to the fears and desperation of another party, manipulating a situation so that he can operate on his terms.

Because he is a man of experience who places a great deal of value on action, he does not tend to look kindly on those who are soft, inactive, and naive who simply sit back and let things happen. It is difficult to gain the man's respect until one has proven themselves to him.

Abilities: Despite being in his early fifties, Orca is in fairly shape. He was in the navy in his youth and the captain of a fishing boat for most of his life, so he has the kind of muscle that is built out of daily work rather than training for combat.

That's not to say he doesn't have combat skills. He's knowledgeable in wielding an array of weapons be they a guns or simple bladed machetes, but the harpoon is his personal specialty.

Appearance: Orca is a man of average height (5'10") and sturdy build. He has wiry, sandy brown hair that wings out from above his ears in untamed curls and thins out in the back. His squarish face is leathery and wind blown, featuring blue eyes that can glint with mischief one moment or go wide and wild the next. His crooked, toothy smile is framed by a mustache and thick sideburns. His body has its fair share of scars, some from sharks, some from battles in the Sphere, one from a removed tattoo that he doesn't even remember.

His clothes rarely deviate from sturdy, practical working fair. Jeans, shirts in denim and flannel, a battered baseball cap and a waterproof jacket are the norm for him. Perhaps a cable knit turtle neck if it's cold out. In general, if it's not the sort of thing you can wear while fishing he does not tend to bother with it.

Pre-ES History: At the age of 19 Orca was drafted into the navy and would eventually serve on the U.S.S. Indianapolis. The ship was returning from the Hiroshima bomb mission at the island of Tinian Delady when a Japanese submarine fired two torpedos, sinking the ship. The mission was so secret that no distress call had been sent. So it was that the members of the crew floated there for five days until a patrol plane spotted them and sent for a rescue. In that time Orca saw nearly three fourths of the crew picked off by sharks, including a good buddy of his that was floating close by who had been bitten in half. As you can imagine, an incident like that changes a man and he never was the same after.

Not long after being discharged, he took up work on the New England coast as a fisherman, but primarily a hunter of sharks. He settled in Amity, a town that would one day find itself beleaguered by a massive killer shark of its own. After finagling a hefty price for his services, Orca set out on an expedition to catch the shark with the local chief of police and a marine biologist.

To make a long story short, it was anything but your average fishing trip. All conventional attempts to catch the shark failed, as did the more advanced ones. The shark began to attack the boat itself. Twice the police chief tried to radio for help but Orca was so focused on accomplishing the task on his own that he distracted the police chief by starting a fire once and bludgeoned the radio to bits the second time. Soon after the shark came around and Orca pushed the boat so hard that it broke down and became a sitting duck in the water. It had become clear that the shark was not the only dangerous thing they had to contend with.

Eventually the shark was brought down by means of explosion. But not before it had Orca as its last meal.

Dream: His lungs were filling with water as he thrashed and clawed his way to the top, aided by the buoyancy of the life vest that had been strapped around him. Just when he thought something might burst he breached the top, coughing, sputtering and flailing still. After wiping the unpleasant sting of salt water from his eyes, he saw what had been pulling him down. It was the vortex that accompanied a sinking ship. Only part was visible now, but it was clear that it was, or had been, a military ship. The words U.S.S. Indianapolis could just barely be made out and then it was gone. Lost to the depths.

As he glanced around it was apparent that night was setting in and the sky was fading from a rosy pink to a bright red that reflected in the water, making it look like blood. That was when he saw the bodies, lifeless and bobbing all around him. Just as he realized that it was more than just the setting sun that had turned the water red he felt a sharp tug on his leg that dragged him down. Liquid filled his lungs once more.

Can be used by others in writing back story scenes? Sure, just let me know so that I can keep my continuity straight.
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