Updates on Projects...

Nov 05, 2009 14:23

Greg Schwartz asked a while back, but I've been overloaded with work and family stuff to actually reply.

However, I've been given a few minutes, so I can post some updates

My dark folktale manuscript:

15 / 40 poems. 38% done!

I just finished a Sleeping Beauty poem based on "Sun and Moon and Talia" for Enchanted Conversation, only to find out that I missed their deadline. Boo-hiss. Still, I can't wait to see their first issue. Am working on Beauty and The Beast ideas right now. That being said, I've got a 40 odd line poem based on Perrault's tale if anyone knows of a good venue.

My zombie haiku manuscript:

70 / 100 zombie haiku. 70% done!

However, having read this review, I'm now a little nervous, and wondering this this isn't more like 65 or so, taking into account possible repetition. I see the book breaking down into four parts: Haiti, Invasion, Occupation, Survival. By part four, I want to see humans so starved, depraved and ravaged with fear that they become the very things they hate. Political 2x4 in the face aside, I'm worried that part one is too based on the reader's knowledge of voodoo, and that parts 2 and 3 are repetitious. Part 4 is too thin, and I'm starting to get very wordy, syllable wise, with these pieces. Also, I'm still looking for markets for these pieces, so if you know of places that might enjoy some zombie haiku, let me know.

On a similar note, my science fiction tanka manuscript just got a boost:

82 / 120 science fiction tanka. 68% done!

Two more of these were picked up for May 2010 Scifaikuest, so check that out. Again, there are many in this collection that need a good home. Let me know if you have suggestions for tanka friendly magazines.

science fiction, folk tales, fairy tales, zombie, manuscript

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