(no subject)

Dec 20, 2004 20:36

Y O U R....
x. name:Leanne
x. birthplace: columbia, SC
x. birthday: 7-14
x. nationality: I am an American
x. school: Irmo High
x. grade: 9
x. piercings: I have 8 in my ears
x. tattoos: none
x. height: in gym she said 5 5
x. shoe size: 6
x. hair color: kinda auburnish
x. length: medium
x. siblings: 3
x. pets: none

L A S T...
x. movie you rented : um... My mom made me watch passion of the christ
x. movie you bought : I have no clue
x. song you listened to : listening to Fear of the Dark by Iron Maiden
x. song you had stuck in your head : Friend Like Me from Aladdin.. my brothers watch it constantly
x. song you've downloaded : it's been awhile.. I have all the songs I want.
x. person you've called : Kaitlyn
x. person that called you : Matt
rson you talked to online: payten and Andrew
x. time you dyed your hair: like two months ago?
x. time you took pictures: Brian broke my camera! grr
x. tv show you've watched : I dont' really watch tv
x. person you were thinking of: I dunno...

D O ..
x. you have a bf or gf : no
x. you have a crush on someone : yes
x. you wish you could live: I think I'm alive right now?
x. you think about suicide : no
x. you believe in online dating : no
x. others find you attractive : no.. not that I know of.. except Payten.. but he's just a stalker
x. you want more piercings : yes I want my lip pierced
x. you want more tattoos : I don't think I'd ever be able to decide on what to get
x. you drink : yes
x. you steal : haha.. I've only been an accomplice and that was stealing a purple dildo.. great fun
x. you do drugs : sometimes
x. you like cleaning : sometimes
x. you write in cursive or print : both
x. you carry a donor card : No

C H O O S E.O N E:
x. black/white: white.. it's so clean and under appreciated
x. bf or gf/ friends: boyfriends
x. morning/night: night
x. pool/jacuzzi: jaccuzzi
x. britney/christina: christina.. she actually has a pretty voice
x. sunlight/moonlight: moonlight
x. blonde/brunnette: brunette
x. short hair/long hair: long

F A V O R I T E...
x. food: caramel
olor: red
x. number: 7
x. thing to talk about : just so long as the person you're talking to is important it really doesn't matter much
x. candy: caramello
drinks : mello yello
x. movies : I dunno
x. bands : GNR, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pantera, Shadows Fall.. etc.
x. holiday : christmas, just because it's in winter

Y O U.E V E R...
x. cried over a girl/ boy: yeah
x. caught your bf/gf cheating: no
x. backstabbed someone: not that I recall.. I hate drama.. I don't usually start it.
x. lied to someone : yes
x. been in a fist fight / arrested: yes
x. regretted being with a guy/girl: yes!

W H A T...
x. shampoo do you use : tresemme
x. perfume do you use : Moonlit Path
x. are you scared of : a lot of things..

N U M B E R...
x. of times I have had my heart broken? : none, I think the only person that can break your heart is the one you truly love.
x. of hearts I have broken? : I dunno..
x. of continents I have lived in? one
x. of drugs taken illegally? : I'll keep you in the dark about that one.
x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life : 1
x. of people I consider my enemies? : none
x. of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? : still in high school
x. of cd's that I own? : Last count was around 150.. most are burnt
x. of scars on my body? : tons
x. of things in my past that I regret: nothing, what's done is done why live in the past?

W H A T.P O P S.I N.Y O U R.H E A D..
x. banana: heh.. I have such a dirty mind
x. holes: ass
x. backstreet boys: Cameron
x. fingers: guitar
x. parrot: bird?
x. coconut: blah
x. green: envy
x. red: rose
x. sleep: feathers
x. money: I need some
x. food: hungry?
x. knife: stab
x. giraffes: the zoo

R A N D O M ...
x. are you bored yet: actually.. it was quite entertaining
x. do you love me: yes
x. should i stop: why stop, we've just begun
x. fine, last words: hello
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