Jan 11, 2010 18:39
I am the stupidest nursing student ever! I had my dosage & conversation math test this morning and I was feeling pretty good about it. Crazy drug conversions and IV drip rates but I thought I did really well. Got the math test back and I missed one question, and as a result I will have to take the whole test again because we have to pass with a 100%. Know what that question was?.... A CENTIMETERS TO INCHES CONVERSION!!!!
Can you believe that shit, cause I can't!! Fucking 1in=2.54 cm and I completely put the wrong numbers. Now I have to do some bullshit remediation and retake the test on wednesday. I am so beyond bitter. And to top off such an awesome day, Del Mar isn't doing wireless registration till wed. Hello jackass, classes started today. His bullshit excuse was that they were understaffed. He could have registered the student I was with and myself in the time it took to give his little speech.
So bitter.