(no subject)

Oct 20, 2004 22:00

Ally made me my new journal because she is just so awesome.
oh yea, and i love her, she makes me laugh.

today was a good day, pretty much all week has been really good. english was alright today, we read again. spanish no words to describe spanish, cept for the "ball" talk we had. science was good [as always] gym was good, played some volleyball and had a talk with molly which was the funniest thing ever do animals talk ? do they fall in love? and the best part when molly goes " i wonder what there thinking when your chasing them " haha. lunch was good. photo i devolped my negiatives and tomorrow i start devolping. math was alright, took a quiz then i finished my test, and social studies the best part of the day. Causeman's class .. lots of laughs. After school i took my science test then came home and chilled with jackie, picked eddie up from work and got dinner. so my day was overall good, i guess.

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