(no subject)

Feb 20, 2011 15:41

[ 769 Bunker Street; phone ]

[ Ending up in weird alternate dimensions isn't exactly a new thing for Wally, but A) he usually gets a little more warning than this and B) he usually has another member of the League around to help him figure out what's going on. In the absence of both of those things, he's...kind of freaking out. ]

Oh, man-

[ He snatches up the phone and dials the first number that comes to mind, trying to be discreet in case the line is tapped. Keyword: trying. ]

Hey, Ba- Bruce? You there? C'mon, pick up!

[ anywhere on the streets of Mayfield; action ]

[ If at first your superpowers don't work, immediately launch into a state of denial! The people of Mayfield can find Wally flat-out sprinting down the streets, hoping that his superspeed will magically kick back in and he can ditch I-Love-Lucyville forever.

...it's not working. Like, at all. He's not paying attention to where he's going. Like, at all.

Citizens of Mayfield, have an extremely flustered ginger running straight into you at full tilt. ]
