
Jun 18, 2008 19:57

The One I Love [open] Although Nigel has a few (read: a lot of) problems committing to anyone for long, this is someone that he is drawn to time and time again. He can't quite put his finger on it, but there is something special about this man. If anyone has the potential for getting Nigel to fall in love, it's him.

Shiny Happy People [rakshathefierce; bringmeherheart; many openings] Nigel's various friends. They each make him smile in their own, unique ways. He often goes out shopping and bar-hopping with them and they get into a lot of shenanigans. Without them, he'd be a much more emo Captain.

Losing My Religion [reserved for Smee] This is Nigel's best friend. He is the go-to person for whenever Nigel needs a lift or a shoulder to cry on. They get into a lot of fun trouble together and their chemistry is great. Nigel says they would date if they weren't so bloody close.

Everybody Hurts [puppeteeress; many openings] Much like the Shiny Happy People, these are people that Nigel spends a lot of time with. However, they fall more into the category of 'drinking buddies'. They are close with Nigel in a helpful, supportive way and he's less likely to go out partying with them.

I'll Take The Rain [biggestbear; many openings] Not surprisingly, Hook has many enemies. These be them. For whatever reason, these people bother, irk and otherwise rub Nigel the wrong way. Heaven help them if they're famous for, if they are, they'll be in his columns all the time.

Suspicion [reserved for Peter Pan] Of all his enemies, this is the one he dislikes the most. For very obvious reasons. He cannot resist trying to find ways to undo him/her, even though his revenge schemes are pretty childish and stupid. He also fears this person greatly and has been known to protect his hands whenever he/she is nearby. He's happy to have both hands this life, thanks.
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