
Jun 13, 2006 15:57

I haven't posted in pretty much forever. Between two vacations, shit tons of work to do and general apathy towards accessing my computer outside of work I have not posted a thing in over three weeks. In the interim? I've explored the heart of Texas through the bleary eyes of a girl-gone-simple life at the Bandera 11th Street Cowboy Bar, Blue Gene' ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

online_stalker June 13 2006, 20:09:31 UTC
if you do wander up to the pacific northwest, may i suggest spending a couple of days on the columbia river gorge, if you haven't already been? i was just in oregon for the first time last week and the gorge and the river totally exceeded my already high expectations. the scenery is amazing - there are so many waterfalls and so much greenery. we spent several nights in waterfront hotels with gorgeous river views and it was wonderful. and the hike we did was awesome.

we spent half a day in portland and i thought it was very "meh."


hookedon June 13 2006, 20:23:02 UTC
there are two things about portland that i did think were fantastic-- the rose gardens and powell's used books (nerd alert). we drove through the columbia river gorge at night last trip out and i'd love to see it in the day. don't they also have vineyards out there???


online_stalker June 13 2006, 20:26:25 UTC
yes, they do. as a matter of fact, we went to the mt. hood winery for a tasting, and left with several bottles of the pinot gris and pinot noir. they were cheap and absolutely delicious. i think it was located in the hood river "fruit loop," which is a large area of vineyards and orchards that are in the shadow of mt. hood. there were several other wineries in the area, as well.


prettykate June 13 2006, 21:06:25 UTC
My sister is interning here too and it's awesome!

I thought you looked great in TQT's photos. I think I am going to go on an enchiladas, migas, brisket, Sonic burgers, Whataburger egg, cheese & sausage biscuits, hash browns, chicken fried steak, Dairy Queen and junior banana split diet myself.


hookedon June 13 2006, 21:19:26 UTC
i HIGHLY recommend that diet for a limited period of time. especially the sonic burgers.


red_dinosaur June 13 2006, 21:38:06 UTC
hi and welcome back! v important question: which LV bag did you get?


hookedon June 13 2006, 21:41:16 UTC

... )


thrownoverbored June 13 2006, 22:56:00 UTC
don't forget the spinach and artichoke dip at mcguire's!


casa mono thekatzman June 14 2006, 16:42:32 UTC
damn you, mario bitali, and your stupid status as a celebrity chef, but i'd be lying if i said my meal at casa mono a few months back wasn't supremely delicious. one of the appetizers i got was only so-so, but the entrees were top notch. nice wine, good dessert. i got some steak thing on a bed of diced peppers and garlic, lamb chops, and the creme brulee. it's a really nice atmosphere too.


Re: casa mono hookedon June 14 2006, 18:28:33 UTC
yeah the crema catalana was some of the best i've had.


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