Sep 13, 2004 12:48
neway152 i am packing sweaters: how many do i actually need?
nyali82 sweaters... when are you coming home for the first time?
neway152 i am coming home at xmas
nyali82 ok
nyali82 as far as sweaters go
nyali82 i would bring at least 10 because you are going to be motherfucking cold
neway152 ok
neway152 and sweatshirts?
neway152 did you ever wear them?
nyali82 including sweatshirts, yeah
nyali82 but only bring stuff you like to wear
neway152 ok
nyali82 you can always buy more but there's no point in having ugly clothes at college
nyali82 you won't wear them and they'll take up space
neway152 good point
neway152 thanks for the advice