Application for theposthumans

Oct 19, 2010 16:07

Player Name: Kris
Personal LJ: twbasketcase
E-mail: k_rotten [at] hotmail [dot] com
AIM: shattershot07
Other characters currently in-game: 2; Warren Worthington and Roberto da Costa
Who referred you to the game?: Your mom

Character Name: Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver

Canon source: X-Men: Evolution (aka Marvel Earth-11052). He will be coming in from the end of 'No Good Deed' (Season 4, episode 2)

PB: None!

Pietro’s personality is strong and loud. He has the tendency to be an overbearing, self centered, arrogant jerk and will run his mouth until someone manages to shut it for him. He will talk at anyone he’s given the opportunity to, and most of the time he’s either making fun of them or bragging about himself (he even went so far as bringing four dates to the school dance just to show his friends that he’s better looking and a better partier). Other people’s problems are never a concern for him, nor does he care for emotional and sentimental discussion. After repeatedly running off on his friends and teammates, he always returned and acted as though he held rightful place amongst them and had automatically earned their forgiveness. There’s just not enough time in his day to deal with conflict and annoyances; he’s impatient as hell and always looking for something new to keep himself occupied. Because of this, Pietro does have a great deal of skills and hobbies, as he’s able to learn and practice things very quickly. So despite having little to no interest in being at school, he is highly intelligent.
Under the cocky-little-jerk mask, Pietro is easily intimidated and weak willed. He doesn’t hold onto his morals and beliefs strongly at all and is willing to abandon everything if it means it saves his own ass. This in particular holds true for Wanda and Magneto especially, but even at times for Mystique as she was in a position of authority over him. All three of them were able to use their power to demand obedience from him, and most of the time it worked.

History: Can be found here

How does your AU differ from canon? In relation to his comic/616 counterpart, Pietro is a lot younger. At 18 years old, he’s cockier, more rebellious, and mouths off a lot more. Otherwise, he’s quite similar in regards to always bouncing back and forth between the sides of good and evil and friend and foe. He does the right thing for the wrong reasons and has impeccable control over his mutant powers (which are the exact same as his 616 version)

- Manipulation. This kid likes to play people like a fiddle and will talk his way through a problem before turning around and stabbing someone in the back.
- Sports. Pietro is both athletic and competitive, and was on sports teams at his first high school.
- Super speed. While it was never revealed in the show exactly how fast he could go in an actual measured sense, he was shown being so fast that he could run up the side of a skyscraper (faster than gravity) and literally tear concrete off of the ground. His main attacks consist of running in circles around his opponents to the point where they're caught in the center of a tornado. These tornadoes are so effective that they even managed to free him out of a tight telekinetic hold by Jean Grey. The X-Men have had to literally knock him out or pin him to the ground to stop him.
- Enhanced Physiology. His body is built to adapt to high speeds and friction (ie his cardiovascular and respiratory systems, durability, his musculoskeletal system); he has an enhanced metabolism that's adapted to remain on par with his organ systems; enhanced agility; enhanced brain/thought speed; slightly enhanced regeneration; superhumanly strong legs.
- His vocabulary. Again, he's very smart and can read books in seconds flat. He's known for having a quick and witty, but smart vocabulary.

- Abandonment issues. (Re: daddy issues)
- He's a coward
- He's a backstabber and completely unreliable
- He's always dependent on other people.

Preferred drop-in point: Manhattan, please!

What are some of your plans for this character in their new environment?
I think one interesting aspect to this game (especially in the Manhattan region) is that Pietro would have to fend for himself and wouldn't have any of the regular people around that he usually relied on. I'd like to explore how he'd even be able to function on his own. LOL
Another thing I'm interested in playing out is the affect his father's death is having on him. From his pull point that I chose, Pietro thinks Magneto is dead and is still trying to come to terms with that (they didn't show much in the episodes). Now in this world, he'd have a different version of his father that would probably throw a massive wrench into his healing and (possible?) grieving process.
Finally, the idea of being a prisoner, chipped, and having to worry about the capekillers is a big plus for me, too. Pietro was captured by an anti-mutant group in canon so he has some big issues with them already. At home he had the Brotherhood around to bail him out and keep him from wetting his pants, and now they're not there. He's probably going to have a big wake up call in that regard as to how much he actually needs those guys.

First Person Journal Sample:
Okay, I don't know who the hell these people think they are taking my clothes and spraying me down! I know I'm a sexy beast and people wanna see my body and all, but this is not the way to get me naked, guys. Come on! I'm Quicksilver! The Brotherhood totally saved a subway and a train and a bus and some other ugly old people and snotty kids and got our names and pictures in the paper like real heroes and not like those asshat dickwad X-Men who do nothing but walk around with sticks so far up their asses that they should be tasting slivers and ewwwwwww wood tastes so gross! I. DESERVE. RESPECT. The anti-mutant crap is getting as old as the whole emo boy dork-rock trend from last season--hellooo, Lance, I'm totally looking at YOU, if you can hear this~!

[There's a pause, and a very dramatic sigh is heaved.]

Okay, you know what? I'm actually kinda bored now, so I'm going to go and find something else to do. But I'm taking this phone with me! Youcan'thaveitback hahahahahahaha!

Smell you later!

Third Person Sample:
It'd been awhile since he'd been to New York City. In fact, the last time Pietro was here, Magneto was busting him out of a jail and offering him promises of refuge and reconciliation. Of course, Pietro was a sucker like he always was and put aside his differences to believe the guy. Never mind the fact that Magneto had dropped Wanda off in an asylum and practically forgot about her. Never mind the fact that Magneto was in and out of Pietro's life like a revolving door. No matter what happened, Magneto was always letting them down and charming them with bullshit.

That time was no exception.

Now the old geezer was dead for real, and Pietro found himself feeling pretty numb about it. In a sick and twisted turn of events, he was the one making proud declarations of their father's death while poor, unknowing Wanda was missing him like she'd miss a limb. She didn't even remember what he did to her! It was so god damn fucking wrong, but Pietro's fear of her rage and violence kept him from telling her the truth--but he had come close. It almost fell out of his mouth carelessly, and that only proved his point that she was way too unstable to handle it because even just that hint was enough to send the subway crashing.

Their family was so messed up. All of them except Pietro, of course. They were the ones that caused the problems, and they were the ones trying to kill each other all the time. Was it too much just to be normal fucking people for one day!? They couldn't even speak civilly without someone being restrained in metal or hexed through walls or having squads or pissy mutants being sent after them to kick their asses all over Bayville.

Fuck New York. It was nothing but a piece of shit, trashy town that made Pietro feel like damaged goods, and the worst part was that he couldn't leave. If this was karma's way of coming to bite him in the ass for all the crap he'd pulled in the last couple years, then karma could go to hell, too. NO ONE was going to hold Quicksilver back.

application, ooc, theposthumans

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