Here's 48 icons on the TV series Once Upon A Time, and the actors out of character. Some made for
once20in20 (20 icons + 4 alternates) and 24 icons made for other icontest challenges communities.
2 August, 2 Aurora, 2 Cora, 6 Jefferson-Mad Hatter, 2 Tinkerbell
2 Lumiere, 2 The Huntsman, 4 Robin Hood, 1 Elsa
1 Dream Cast on the Show: Zachary Levi for Flynn Rider
And some for other challenges that are mostly about the main cast:
4 Jennifer Morrison, 5 Emma Swan, 3 Hook & Emma, 4 Captain Hook
1 Robin & Regina, 3 Regina, 2 Tinkerbell, 2 Sheriff Graham-The Huntsman
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