(no subject)

Jul 03, 2008 10:08

I returned from England, and while I can say 'safe', I don't think it's right to describe myself as 'sound', as I haven't been of sound mind for years. Filming my scene in Half-Blood Prince went well. If you don't know, I'm cast in the role of Mundungus Fletcher - I wore so much makeup, I could barely recognise myself. The scene I filmed was so short, I'd be surprised if it makes the theatres, but basically, Harry Potter hands Mundungus his ass after finding out he's been stealing from Sirius' home. The director wanted to introduce the character in this movie, since he'll play a little larger role in the next... which means there will be a good chance I'll be in Deathly Hallows, too. No contracts have been signed, though. I had fun doing it, and got the chance to play with the Tales over there in London.

It was back to work on Tuesday. My next role is that of Polonius in Hamlet for Central Park's Public Theater. Last weekend, the musical Hair ended, and the crew started breaking down the set on Monday. Tuesday, they began putting up ours and hanging the lights. We had our first rehearsal on the stage, yesterday. It's always a bit trying, the first time you move out of the rehearsal hall, and the director decided to change some of our blocking. All in all, it was as expected. We'll be having this holiday weekend off, but come Monday, we'll be rehearsing just about every day. The show goes up on the 22ed of July, so buy your tickets to avoid disappointment.

What are (American) people going to do to celebrate the 4th of July? A barbecue sounds in order.
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