Chapter 4 of "The Cinderella Effect"

Mar 01, 2010 20:53

My first Mige/Ville fic.

Title: The Cinderella Effect
Author: Hook_Knife666
Pairing: Mige/Ville
Rating: R through NC-17
Summary: "You're too beautiful to be treated this way..." Warning: VERY. FUCKING. EXPLICIT. Don't read if you're tear-jerky. Based largely off the movie, "Aurore." Child abuse, Mental and Physical torture, dark themes. I don't know a lick of Finnish but the endearments, so whenever Finnish talk is being spoken it will be in "italics." Thoughts will be in bold, and Memories with start with the squiggly, (~).

I'm glad you all are liking this demented fic, XD.

Ville winced, not even crying out anymore as the whip hit his back a final time. He panted, fists clenching tightly against the tiled floor, his nails scrapping the surface. "Mother...please...I have to go to school." He was surprised he could even speak, his throat felt so dry. He heard his alarm clock ring and he rubbed his face against floor.

It was the longest he'd ever been abused yet. A complete night...

Alana finally collapsed against Ville's bed, her chest heaving, brown hair knotted against her forehead. She shook her head, eyes soft, "Oh, baby. I wish you wouldn't make me do this to you." She knelt down next to Ville, gripping his chin with her hand. "You make me do it, Vil. You know you do. Seducing your daddy is a very bad know better, don't you?"

"Yes, mother, I'm so sorry. I promise I won't do it again," he closed his eyes, lips trembling, as her mouth pressed against his forehead.

"I know you won't, baby," Alana cooed. She smiled, "Go get your brother ready and I'll drive you both to school."

Ville stood, whimpering softly, he knew without looking that there were severe marking on his back, maybe even some blood. He pulled a thin shirt from his drawer, slipping it on before tugging a long coat over it, both black in color. He tugged on some old jeans and quickly toed on his converse.

He walked slowly to Jesse's room, holding back tears at each step. He opened the door, peeking his head in.

Jesse was huddled under the blankets, sleeping with a tight frown on his face.

Ville went over to his brother, gently rubbing his back, "Wake up, kulta."  He watched as Jesse's olive eyes open and he forced a smile. "Time for school, Jesse."

Jesse stared at him, eyes teary. "Please stop making momma hit you."

Ville swallowed thickly, looking away. "Momma didn't hit me, Jesse. I fell and she was helping me up."

Jesse frowned, "I'm not stupid, Ville..." he sat up. "Why does she hit you so much?"

"Because, Jesse..."

You're a bad boy.

"Because...I'm a bad boy."


Mige watched Burton tongue suck with Linde and he snorted, "Might you not do that here? You're upsetting my stomach." He got a good smack in the head for that one.

Gas played around with his drum sticks, tapping them against the wall. He looked across the school yard. "Oi! There's Valo!"

Mige looked over, seeing Ville get out of a peach colored buggy. He said goodbye to a nice looking woman in the seat and turned to the building, shouldering his back-pack, his beanie lowered almost to completely shield his eyes. He was barely five feet away from the car when Bam skated up next to him, stopping his board.

Mige snorted, whishing so badly to just shove that skateboard up Margera's ass. He left his little group, shoving his hand into his pants pockets and walking over to Ville.

He caught the end of what Margera was saying as he was rather surprised.

"...totally sorry or being such a dickhead. I tend to be rude to really...pretty people. Anyway, I hope we can still be cool or something." Bam murmured, blue eyes looking anywhere but Ville.

Ville smiled lightly, reaching his hands up to Bam's chin, forcing their eyes to meet. "I forgive you, Bammie. I'd like to be friends."

Bam flushed, his mouth parting to exhale. "...Cool." He gave Ville a cheeky grin before skating off, looking for his crew.

Ville smiled wider when he noticed Mige, "Hello, Mige. How are you this morning?" He began to walk, his feature clouding over in a bit of pain.

Mige frowned, "Are you alright?" he walked with the younger male.

Ville smiled softly, "I didn't sleep well last night, but I'll be alright."

"If you're sure, kulta." Mige smiled, "I'd like to introduce you to my friends."

"Oh," Ville blushed a bit, "I'm terribly shy."

"That's fine, they'll love you. We're all Finnish, our little Finnish group." Mige reached down to grab Ville's cold pale hand, giving it a tender squeeze. "Don't worry."

Ville sighed, "Alright." He swallowed tightly as he was led to the small group. He stared at them all.

They stared back.

Mige chuckled, "Ville, these are my friends, Linde, Burton, and Gas. Guys, this is Ville Valo."

"Hello," Ville said quietly, his cheeks still a bit red. He nervously leaned against Mige, huddling against him, his eyes peeking out from behind Mige's shoulder.

Linde grinned at this, "Awe, you both looked adorable together!  Are you single, Ville? Because Mige is and I'm sure he'd like to-" he ducked as Mige tossed a book at him.

Ville giggled quietly, staring at the ground, "I am actually, but I'm not good with relationships." He forced a smile. "I seem to always make my partner mad at me."

He'd only had one partner. A man he'd been calling "father" since he was nine.

Burton and Gas groaned as the bell rung.

"Cheer up boys. Gonna be a long day," Mige held his arm out to Ville, who blinked, "Come on. We've got class together."

Computer Arts.

"Oh yes," Ville smiled, looping his arm underneath Mige's, "I had forgotten." He forgot several things, actually. He was so tired. He rested his head against Mige's shoulder as the walked, his eyes half-lidding.

Mige inhaled slowly, a slow smile spreading across his lips.

He and Ville would get along just fine.

vimi, abuse, cute

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