Well 2009 has come and taken over our lives. Hopefully, this year will be a better ruler over us all than the past 2 have. I mean really the past two years have sucked majorly. I personally am pretty optimistic on this up coming year ahead of us. Just for starters I'm getting married this year. That is something to look forward to I hope. But if 2009 stacks up to be a repeat of the past two I'll be playing the "who else is going to die and drastically change my life" game.
In other more happy news I've been playing Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town here lately on my lovely gba. The HM series has always been dear to me. Nothing better than farming, making that dough, and getting the hot pink haired chick in town to move in with you and go down on you as you write in your diary to save the game every night. Playing this classic has sparked my interest in the game cube version of the game. Which my good friend Lori graciously let me borrow. However, it blew. Reminding me that 3-d HM games have never worked for me. I hated Back to Nature on the ps1. HM is one of those gems that works best in 2-d SNES style greatness.
This weeks Netflix's Movies:
Johnny Mnemonic: Starring
Keanu Reeves. Cyberpunk movie adaptation to William Gibson's short story. Great movie and classic Keanu acting. I liked the movie more than I thought I was going to.
Tron: Oh yeah TRON! Enough said.