Like a Bat Out of Hell

Apr 01, 2013 21:03

Title: Like a Bat Out of Hell
Rating: PG
Pairing: Wincest
Word Count: 585
Warnings: Mild sexual content
Summary: Sam and Dean's first night together after Dean gets out of Hell.

It was only logical that Sam would question if it was really Dean when he came to his door, smiling and looking just as he had before the Hellhounds had ripped him apart. However, when it was confirmed that the person standing before him was really Dean and he was really back and this wasn’t a good dream like the many he’d had while his brother was in Hell, Sam had embraced him, holding onto him as though he were terrified if he let him go he would disappear. Dean held onto him in much the same way, vowing in that instant to never tell him of what had gone on when he was downstairs.

Because Ruby was there, Sam did his best not to cry. He’d just gotten his life back, his reason for living, his reason for everything that he had done in the past year. However, the minute they broke away, the minute Dean’s arms unwrapped themselves from around Sam, the tears began to come and as much as Sam tried to stop them, he couldn’t.

Immediately, Dean pulled his little brother, the one he had suffered thirty years in Hell for, back into his embrace. He shushed him, moving his fingers through his hair, kissing his neck, not bothering to hide how much he loved his brother from the girl in the room or Bobby.

It took Sam more than a minute to compose himself and once he had, he said goodbye to Ruby, pretending she was just a girl he’d met to have sex with instead of something more. Then he went back to Dean and after his brother interrogated him, convinced he’d made a deal, he told him the truth: no demons would deal with him.

“Dean, I’m sorry,” he said softly, looking at the ground, unable to look his brother in the eye. He’d failed him. He’d tried to bring him back, tried to save him, but he hadn’t. He’d failed his brother and as much as he wished he hadn’t he had.

“It’s okay, Sammy, I believe you,” Dean responded and from the tone of his voice and the way he looked at the ground as well, Sam could tell that Dean had already forgiven him. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t been able to save him, it only mattered that he’d tried.

Bobby left shortly after they discussed all of the omens that had cropped up after Dean’s death and Sam wasted no time crossing the room, taking Dean’s face in his hands and pressing his mouth to his brother’s. He wasn’t gentle, he wasn’t careful. He was rough and desperate. Being apart for four months had torn him apart. His brother had been dead for four months and he’d been lost without him.

As he and Dean made love, he tried to forget everything he’d done with Ruby, but it was hard to, especially after what she’d become to him. He would have been lying if he said she didn’t mean anything to him and that was why afterwards when they were wrapped in each other, their fingers trailing over one another, both of them still so amazed that Dean was here, alive, and well, he apologized again and again. Dean told him he forgave him each time, but he didn’t know the things he’d done and Sam didn’t want to talk about it. At least, not right then. Right then everything was perfect. And the last thing he wanted to do was spoil it.

supernatural, sam winchester, wincest, spn, dean winchester

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