Fic: Taking Some Time (SPN) Chapter Eleven

Apr 20, 2016 08:16

Title: Taking Some Time, Chapter Eleven
Author: MissBayliss
Genre: Sick!fic, Hurt/Comfort, Epic, Slightly AU
Category: Gen
Tags: Chronic pain, cough/cold, dislocation, insomnia, PTSD, alcohol abuse
Rating: T
Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby
Warning: Very mild language. Descriptions of Hell. Can be considered slightly AU as Dean is not healed from his old wounds when Castiel raised him from perdition. Severe angst warning.
Disclaimer: They're pretty, but they're not mine.

Summary: Dean is a little worse off coming off a hunt than he let on. He's fresh from hell and caring a lot of scars, physically and mentally. A bad back, bad shoulder, PTSD, insomnia, alcohol abuse, and a nasty virus to top it all off. Maybe the boys need to take a break and try to get Dean back on track. It might be harder than they thought.

Head to my journal for Chapters One-Ten:

Chapter Eleven here:

PS. I have no idea how long this story will go but I can tell you it's not at all close to wrapping up yet...

[setting: season 04], hell/post-hell issues, dislocation, cough, alcoholism, fever, dizziness/vertigo, ptsd, nightmares/night terrors, [genre: gen], chronic pain

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