Fic: The Man Who Came to Be Dinner

Oct 16, 2015 14:58

Title: The Man Who Came to Be Dinner

Summary: Fucking vamps. His opinion of spending time with them prior to his arrival here had been somewhere between vacationing with Osama Bin Laden and genital herpes on a scale of experiences he'd enjoy. Now he'd gladly take both together over this.

Dean has been captured by a trio of vamps in Purgatory. His best hope of escape lies with two beings who can’t stand each other, working together to get him out. So, that’s no hope at all then...

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Bad language

Word Count: 3,634

The Man Who Came to Be Dinner

[character: benny], exhaustion, manhandling, fainting/collapse, pain, &fic, [character: castiel], unconsciousness, [genre: gen], purgatory/post-purgatory issues, delirium

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