Title: Hunter Heart to Heart
Author: San Antonio Rose (
Fandoms: SPN/Girl Genius
Characters: Dean Winchester, Mamma Gkika
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 700
Warnings: Dean angst
Notes: I wrote this a while ago but am posting it as a fill for
kalliel's wish list on the wish list meme. Technically, this story is part of a larger S9 AU I'm working on, but it stands alone well enough that I'm posting it now; it could really be set just about any time post-"Abandon All Hope." If you're not familiar with
Girl Genius, the main things you need to know are: 1) Mamma Gkika is a Jägermonster general--formerly human, transformed by a potion taken of her own free will and now essentially immortal--who runs a bar in Mechanicsburg, Transylvania, can change her skin color, and has a very thick accent (rendered phonetically, in accordance with canon). As you might guess if you know German, Jägers are a lot like hunters, aside from being monsters themselves. 2) The GG world is full of mad scientists called sparks--"mad" being a relative term, of course, for when they're not caught up in an experiment, they can be quite sane and even heroic. 3) Villainess Lucrezia Mongfish, aka "The Other," married hero Bill Heterodyne and tried to go straight but started the last major European war when she evidently returned to her evil ways and attempted to conquer Europe using mind-controlling slaver wasps.
Summary: A world away from home, Dean falls to thinking about his losses. Fortunately, Mamma Gkika is there to listen.
"Vot vas her name?" )