Fic: Fate Might Be Jerking Our Strings, But It's Still Our Destiny

Jan 14, 2015 08:11

Title: Fate Might Be Jerking Our Strings, But It's Still Our Destiny
Written by: beesandbrews
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: ~ 3300
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Assorted OCs
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Dean gets drunk and asks awkward questions about the nature of Fate. Castiel decides to ask a few awkward questions of his own and finds his answers in the last place he expects.
A/N: Written for the lj user="tamingthemuse"> prompt #443: Wyrd.

[character: sam], war/post-war issues, [character: oc], substance abuse (alcohol), &fic, [character: castiel], [genre: gen], emotional pain/hurt

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