Lady Madonna

Jan 11, 2015 12:03

Title: Lady Madonna
Author: Freya922
Pairing: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Adult language, angst
Word Count: 4,600+
Summary: After the family moves on short notice, Mary realizes their new home is inhabited by a ghost with an alarming fixation on three-and-a-half-year-old Dean. She has to take care of the situation while keeping John in the dark. A story of wee!Dean in danger originally posted as part of the 2014 Summergen fix exchange.

Read it here.

[character: john], crying!dean, psychological trauma, [character: mary], hugs/cuddling, &fic, nightmares/night terrors, comfort food (pie!/etc.), childhood trauma, [genre: gen], supernatural injury/trauma, [setting: pre-series]

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