Lonely Prompt Fill

Aug 07, 2014 23:41

Soooo, after I wrote the first part, the whole concept wouldn't leave me alone, so there is now a second part! Links to both below.

Title: An Attribute of the Strong
Rating: PG13 for language
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 8026
Summary: Written for the prompt ayslin left at hoodie-time: Whatever Dean was eating in Purgatory, it wasn't what you'd call well-balanced meals. And adjusting back to 'real' food is harder than he expected. Dean's thin, borderline underweight (despite Sam's bitching at him to eat something), and his immune system really isn't up to dealing with flu season...

Part I

Part II

Hope it satisfies!

flu, [character: sam], nausea/vomiting, [setting: season 08], hugs/cuddling, &fic, [genre: gen], clothes sharing, .lonely prompts challenge, purgatory/post-purgatory issues, weight loss

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