[Fic/Meta Rec] Psychological Diagnostic Battery of Dean Winchester

Jun 03, 2014 17:53

Title: Psychological Diagnostic Battery of Dean Winchester
Author: pirrofarfalla@Tumblr
Genre: meta; fic, of sorts
Character: Dean
Rating: SFW
Warnings: discussion concerning mental illness, specifically depression, alcohol use, and suicidal ideation
Summary: I wrote this essay for a Master’s level Diagnosis and Assessment class. It is an objective, complete psychological diagnostic battery that would be completed for any client seeking professional mental health aid.

Reccer's Comments: An interesting read for many hoodietimers, I'm sure. :) The part I was most interested in was the excision of any overt mentions of the supernatural in the exam, or as the author puts it, "I think the striking reality of Dean’s situation with the focus solely being on him and not the intervention of Heaven and Hell is enough to provide a broader understanding of who Dean Winchester is as a human, rather than [solely] as the Righteous Man." The battery goes from pre-series midway or so through S2. God, imagine what it would say now.

counseling/therapy, substance abuse (alcohol), insomnia, suicidal ideation, psychological issues, childhood trauma, [setting: season 01], [genre: gen], mutism/voice loss, [character: john], [character: sam], [setting: season 02], depression, alcoholism, &meta/discussion, daddy issues, &fic, abandonment issues, !recs, [setting: pre-series], mental illness

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