Title: King’s Gambit
Word Count: 4600
Rating: PG-13
Summary: With the Winchesters relationship at an all time low, Sam is suddenly faced with some uncomfortable truths about Dean. Is he too late to save his brother from a fate worse than death?
Disclaimer: With a heavy heart (and a great deal of relief for Dean) I have to say I do not own Supernatural, nor am I making any profit from this. I just hope I make a few fan girls happy with this demented little scribble.
Warnings: Serious spoilers for season 9.
Notes: As I watched this season unfold I started to muse about where certain plot lines might go. That was back in March before episode sixteen aired, and I was inspired to write this. So some of what is here has already been Kripke’d, but I decided to finish it as I intended. Many thanks go to
milly_gal who has beta’d this in the absence of
bigj52 (she’s on holiday), as I needed to get this posted before the last few episodes air. Milly you are a hero *Hugs*.
King's Gambit )