New tag: "Mark of Cain"

Feb 24, 2014 16:38

Hey guys! Just dropping a note to let everyone know we've added a new tag to our repertoire:

mark of cain


What can I say, I have high hopes for many future fanworks. XD I tried to back-tag the fics that have featured it so far, but if I missed yours, advance apologies! They've all been par excellence so far, so if this isn't a trope you've looked at much so far, definitely do. <3

I hope everyone has a happy 9x14 tomorrow~! Two Hellatuses down, an indeterminate number to go...

And P.S. [We have 400 followers on Tumblr! You guys rock!]

If you're not watching already, please follow hoodie-time on Tumblr. :)

➽ This post was compiled by kalliel and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

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