Fic: Piercing the Veil, PG-13, Dean, Sam, Bobby, gen.

Dec 07, 2013 01:04

Title: Piercing the Veil
Author: anactoria
Characters/pairing: Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ruby
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/contains: Sickfic, mild h/c, gen.
Summary: Dean gets a migraine. Because this is his life and a normal illness would just be too much to hope for, things go downhill from there. Takes place early in S4.
Notes: Belated fill for a prompt on the comment meme. Many thanks to flawlessglitch for the beta; any remaining mistakes are, obviously, my own.

Read on: LJ | AO3

[setting: season 04], &fic, supernatural illness, [character: bobby], [character: sam], headache/migraine, [genre: gen]

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