Throwback Thursday: Dean H/C Highlights from 1x22, 2x01, and 6x22 (Car Crashes)

Dec 05, 2013 19:11

Three of my major fears are house fires, vehicular accidents, and drowning. Being that SPN has all but built itself around the first two, yeah, I'd say it's a horror show! :( Hurt/comfort is a genre that can often be more terrifying than titillating, and sometimes even a confusing amalgam of both. Tonight hoodie_time brings you some clips from the iconic car crash that ended SPN's first season in a manner nothing short of heart-stopping (and also set up S2 for, imho, the best series premiere ever). There's plenty more H/C to mine in both 1x22 and 2x01, but trust me, there will be pleeeeentyyyy more time to spend on those delectable morsels.

In addition to footage from the end of 1x22/the beginning of 2x01, I've also included a clip from the last scenes in 6x22, which finally executes one of SPN's unrealized cinematic goals wrt car crashes--bookending S6 as a season of intense refiguring and revisitation of earlier canon.

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This scene completely changed my association with "Bad Moon Rising," that's for sure. The angle they shoot part of this scene from--just when the semi T-bones the Impala--is well-loved and oft used when a car accident is imminent (the pilot of Six Feet Under and every single car crash to ever occur on Law and Order: SVU, for instance) but it never loses its punch. Hell, on rewatch this scene makes me increasingly MORE anxious every time!

If the rumors are true, they'd originally planned for the semi to flip the Impala in this scene--but instead it smashed right up onto the front of the truck, and the truck jack-knifed like a crazy thing. AKA IT'S A BIG, HEAVY FUCKING AMERICAN MUSCLE CAR, DON'T MESS. Given this surprise, Kim Manners decided to keep the footage as is. The result is badass and doubly terrifying.

I included "The Road So Far" at the front of this clip because I thought it was a nice one, but go ahead and skip to just before the middle of the video if you want to get right to the H/C. The song is--I believe?--"Stanglehold" by Ted Nugent.

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I really appreciated the attention this scene (and the rest of the episode) put on fallout; rather than speed away into something arcane, supernatural, and completely different, the audience gets smacked with events that leave marks, and the very human reality of death. (With yes, the added bonus of ghosts, demons, and supernatural yellow-eyed prophecies, secrets, etc.) And you know what's really awful? If I'm interpreting what Dean's doctor says later in this episode, it wasn't necessarily the car crash that would've killed him--after YED was through, he was basically already dead. D;

Eventually S6 rolls around and guess what? They finally get to flip the Impala!

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It's not a big moment in this episode, nor is it a benchmark scene--indeed, both Sam and Dean are fairly sidelined in this episode, as kingpins topple and the supernatural chessboard flies to pieces--but it's a personal favorite of mine. The slow horror of the opening clip mirrors the Winchesters' tense flight at the end of 1x22. And if people wanted to write like, eight trillion fics about internal injuries and/or sequelae of this car-flipping, once the adrenaline wore off and it because very apparent that the world was definitely going to hell, I certainly wouldn't stop you! :P And before anyone gets their panties in a bunch about this, I can tell you from multiple familial experiences that it is entirely possible to walk away from a flipped car without dire H/C ensuing--you should just immediately walk yourself to a hospital.

Unless you're a Winchester, in which case, hello Apocalypse, hello Leviathans, hello Godstiel. XP

I also included Crowley throwing Dean off a platform and into (and off of) a steel table because why not. Answer: THERE IS NO NOT.

As a final note, as I was writing up this post the 1x22 clip started playing in the background and I completely flipped out. Some things never change! (And some things do: They get worse! XP This clip is four times more traumatizing than it was when I first saw it four years ago, in 2009.)

This post contains bonus hurt!Sam, hurt!John, and hurt!Bobby. Happy holidays!

death, concussion/head trauma, [character: other], [setting: season 01], injury (misc./other/uncategorized), unconsciousness, [setting: season 06], bruises/bruising, [character: john], coma, internal injury, [character: sam], blood-loss, [warning: other hurt characters], pain, cuts/lacerations, *throwbackthursday, [character: bobby]

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