Old Bones Upon the Mountain Shake [Part 5/?] [PG-13, AU, gen]

Jun 20, 2013 00:24

Title: Old Bones Upon the Mountain Shake, Part 3
Characters: Dean, a bunch of OCs
Rating: PG 13
Words: approx 5500
Genre: AU, gen, hurt!Dean
Warnings: strong language, violence, self-harm.
Summary: It is the zombie apocalypse, and Dean Winchester needs to figure out where his brother is. Hard to do when he's not in top shape himself. Spoilers: Upto Season 5, Point of No Return, after which it goes AU.
Chapter Summary: Wherein there is a dog-surrounded Texaco, the prophet begins questioning her angel, and Dean goes looking for answers in his own head with strange results.
Notes: Oh, thank you, everyone who's commented and read so far! This is the final chapter of this section of the story. Since I called the various chapters "parts" instead of chapters, I'm calling this Book One, and this portion of Dean's journey wraps up here. (Hee, perfect time to catch up on the whole fic, see? *grin*)

Chapter 5 is here

Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4

hallucinations/delusions, [genre» other: au/ar], supernatural illness, burns, &fic, [genre: gen], [genre» other: apoca!fic], self-harm, mutism/voice loss, delirium, [genre» other: dark/horror]

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