The Dark of Day, Sam/Dean, NC-17

Jun 17, 2013 21:51

Title: The Dark of Day
Author: meus_venator
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Apoca!fic
Words: 2,200
Warnings: Porny sex
Disclaimer: The boys aren’t mine, only the story is mine. This is all done in fun. Don’t sue.
tebtosca's inspiring prompt: Who out there could love you more than I?
A/N: Written for spnspringfling for the lovely tebtosca (No sloths were harmed in the making of this fic).
Originally posted here.

The sky is intensely blue, wind rushing against his face, tearing at his hair, his leathers. His sword is heavy in his hand, gleaming in the sun, righteous and pure.

[character: sam], wings/wing!fic, permanent injury, [pairing: dean/sam], &fic, paralysis, amnesia/memory loss, blindness/vision loss, [genre» other: apoca!fic]

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