The waiting room (SPN/Stargate SG-1)

Apr 21, 2013 00:38

Title: The waiting room
Author: antrazi
Characters: Dean, Jack O'Neill
Rating: PG-13
Word-count: 545
Disclaimer: Still not mine. Damn
Stargate SG-1/Supernatural. Kinda.
Time: Stargate: Season 6 Abyss, Supernatural. Between Season 3 and 4
Note: This plays with the idea that the characters are actually aware that they are characters and dependent on their canon and their PTB. They are just playing the part. This fic happens when the characters go from one part of Canon to the next, where they intermingle with characters from other canons

[setting: season 03], [setting: season 04], hell/post-hell issues, &fic, [genre: gen], [genre» other: crossover], ptsd

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