Fic: Ticks Like a Time Bomb, G, Dean, Sam, gen

Mar 24, 2013 22:16

Title: Ticks Like a Time Bomb
Author: connie_welsh
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre/pairing: Hurt/Comfort, Gen
Rating: G
Word-count: 2,198
Summary: Sam grew up with Dean's heavy breath as a lullaby. Every night, steady as clockwork. There are few things in the world that could frighten him the way the quiet from Dean's bed can. Coda for S01E12, "Faith."
Disclaimer: Not mine, yadda yadda.


[» faith], bed sharing, [character: sam], internal injury, hugs/cuddling, &fic, [setting: season 01], [genre: gen], spooning, heart condition, [genre» other: ep coda/missing scenes]

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