Title: What's Done in the Dark
Rating: Hard PG-13.
Words: 3,501
Spoilers: None really, completely AU.
Warnings: Violence, language, child abuse, reasonably minor gore, briefly hinted-at sexual abuse, psychological issues, general misery, very very terrible father!John, psychotic!Sam, broken!lost!Dean. Not a happy story.
Summary: John Winchester's sons are on a mission from God. This is set in some indeterminable time after John's death, but if the cops are onto the Winchesters Dean doesn't know it. Written for the eternally fabulous
prufrock_26, who wanted PTSD!murdering!John, psychotic murder!Sam, and a Dean who still thought that his family killed demons. This could also theoretically be a prequel to part two of "
Variations on a Theme."
Neurotic author's notes: Title and cut text both from Johnny Cash's "God's Gonna Cut You Down." I wrote the bulk of this on the train and I'm not 100% pleased with this fic, as I wanted Dean's mental process to be a little more disjointed and Sam's manipulation a little clearer, but whatever, I got good news from the doctor today (this! is! so! rare! I'm! over! the! fucking! moon!!) and I wanted to post fic. Bruce, my love, I hope you like it. :)
Go tell that long tongue liar, go and tell that midnight rider, tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter, tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down...