Title: The Sting Author: june Characters/Pairing: Robo!Sam/Dean Rating: nc-17 Word count: ~4,000 Warnings: DUB-CON [Spoiler (click to open)]Except, not really. But kind of. Also, barebacking, prostate milking, forced orgasms, dry orgasms, and bondage. Yikes. Disclaimer: Not mine, not even a little bit. Summary: In order to keep Dean from putting Sam's soul back, Sam just has to make his body uninhabitable. Having sex with his brother should do the trick. A re-imagining of Appointment in Samarra.
Notes: It's Thursday, so how about some porn? Okay! So, normally I stay well clear of dub-con and non-con because I love consent! But this prompt from the spnkink_meme called to me!