[mod post] Monthly Reccer Sign-Ups!

Jan 11, 2013 15:10

Heyyyy guys! It's Monthly Reccer Sign-Up time~!

What’s this about?

There are lots of ways to rec at hoodie_time. You can make your own rec post at any time, or submit any recs you may have to be posted by a mod. (Reccing guidelines for either/or can be found here.) These monthly reccer sign-ups are just to make sure we have at least one rec post per month.

So, if you sign-up to be a reccer, you will be signing up for/committing to doing one (or more if you wish) rec posts here during a particular month. To volunteers, hoodie_time offers prestige, a competitive salary, and comprehensive health care! Or, well. Y'all are already prestigious in my mind, we and your fellow comm members pay you in priceless ♥, and our health care is primarily preemptive--reccing offers you an excuse to go forth and read Dean H/C to your heart's content (it's for ~research!). And whose day isn't brightened by that? ;)

New and previous reccers are welcome to sign up, including mods.

Info & sign-ups:

If you are assigned your month of choice, anytime during that month you must make AT LEAST ONE (or more!) rec posts - centered around Dean-focused hurt/comfort fanworks, of course. Your rec posts can be based on themes, pairings/genres, episodes, random favorites, insta-recs, author/artist spotlights, etc. - it’s entirely up to you. In the past we've had all of these; the author/artist spotlights seemed particularly effective.

If you’re interested, please fill out the comment form below and post it as a comment to this post. All comments are screened.

  • If you've recced with us in the past, you're definitely allowed (and encouraged) to sign up again~

  • The one rule: All I ask is that you please read and follow the reccing guidelines when reccing.

  • Current available months:


    THANK YOU, ALL!!!!

  • The comment-form looks like this, btw:

    First choice month:
    Second choice month:
    Any months you can’t do?
    Anything else you’d like to add?
    Contact info: PM/e-mail (whatever’s best for you, but please make sure your PM account isn’t privatized/will allow me to PM you if that’s your choice. ;)


    First choice month:
    Second choice month:
    Any months you can’t do?
    Anything else you’d like to add?
    Contact info:

    I will PM or e-mail everyone who signs up for this at the beginning of their month, as a reminder.

    I dunno about the rest of it, but I’d love to be a pinch hitter:

    You can also sign up to be pinch hitter, which means if someone can no longer do their month, I’ll let you know and see if you can do it. If you can’t, I’ll just pass that month along to the next pinch hitter. ;) To sign up to be a pinch hitter, you don’t have to fill out a form; just let me know you’d like to do that in the comments to this post, please, and I'll contact you if need be.

    Thanks, everyone. I LOVE YOU ALL.

    [All comments are screened.]

    ➽ This post was compiled by kalliel and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.
  • !!mod post, !reccer sign-ups

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