Lonely Prompts Spotlight

Dec 01, 2012 10:55

Lonely Prompts Spotlight

Once a month-ish a mod will be making a post highlighting 5 prompts from our various comment memes, etc. that have yet to be filled, in the hopes that someone/several people will pick them up. So, that’s what this is!

The only rule here is in the case of the comment memes, to please post your fills as comment-fanworks or link to them at your journal as a comment to the original prompt. You can definitely post them to the comm itself, (it’s very much encouraged, really) but please do the other as well, so that the prompter will know you've filled it and so that the mods can add it to the meme masterlist for all to see. ;) There are no deadlines or other rules.

You can use the .lonely prompts challenge tag when posting to the comm.

And if you're looking for more prompts, last year’s winter/holiday-themed meme and the prompt post for the sick!Dean mini challenge that just ended would be great places to start! All comment memes are available for browsing, though, of course. Remember that every meme prompt is always open for grabs, lonely or not. \o/

Spotlighted lonely prompts:

Dean's hands are frostbitten, but Sam's gone out on some errands and he has some time and he's going to get off, damn it. He does some creative masturbating.
- Originally prompted here.

I'd love someone to write On the Head of a Pin from a nurse's POV. Whatever story was told to explain the state Dean was in had to have been interesting. And what about the sad eyed man and the fellow in the dirty trench coat who just won't leave?
- Originally prompted here.

Future Fic. Dean & Sam. So it's a couple of years after the Winchesters retired. Dean finally went ahead and got that hip replacement surgery. But with all the snow on the ground, Dean can't get outside for his exercise regimen. As a matter of fact, it's hard for Dean to even get out of the house. Sam doesn't want his brother so isolated, so he comes up with a solution. In the mornings, he drops Dean off at the library near Sam's job. He comes to take him home at lunch. One day in early December, Sam comes in to find Dean reading the Christmas part of a beloved story to some children. (Probably while the mothers gaze at him adoringly.) As opposed to a classic like Twas The Night Before Christmas, I'm thinking more along the lines of The 101 Dalmatians, one of the Little House on the Prairie books, one of the earlier Harry Potter books, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe or even Little Women.
- Originally prompted here.

Dean/Sam slash. Sick!Dean got so bad he had to be hospitalized. Dean keeps begging to leave, but Sam won't let him leave until he's recovered enough. How does Dean find out it's time? Because Sam initiates quiet, careful, and OMG-it's-been-so-long hospital bed sex.
- Originally prompted here.

I want a fic where we see Dean crying. Just his usual "one perfect tear," but full-on SOBBING with hitched breaths, runny nose, red eyes and all. BONUS points if he starts crying so hard that he freaks out and has a mini-panic attack 'cause he feels like he can't breathe/get oxygen. I leave the reason for the crying and comfort characters/method up to the author.
- Originally prompted here.

P.S. Heads up! Within the next couple days, our Wish List party will open. Check us out then for more details. (Basically you will be able to leave a wish list of up to 5 Dean-centric things - prompts, asking for a banner for a fic of yours, whatever. It is not a meme or a classic challenge, just something in the spirit of giving. We did it two years ago for those of you that were around then.)

➽ This post was compiled by maypoles and is posted under this account for organizational purposes.

.lonely prompts challenge, .lonely prompts spotlight, *fun stuff

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